Diversity, inclusion and equality

Diversity, inclusion and equality

Intermobility collaborates with the Ambassadors in Diversity program, led by Panteia, Stratec and TIS Transports to promote gender equality, diversity and inclusion in every transportation.
Intermobility published a report in May 2024 “ Intermobility _ Acting today for more inclusion, diversity and equity in mobility and transportation “ (Hoehlinger, Allen, Bichara and Wrezsinksa) that has been presented to DG Move in Brussels in June 2024.
The strong collaboration helped us to be supported by key institutions and being largely published in the media.

Our institutional support for the report

The 5 building Block

Our publication in Zag Daily, the mobility dedicated newspaper.

Creating a greener mobility

Intermobility collaborates with the Cercle CiME, a french new think-tank dedicated to mobility and transportation, and focusing on green activism. CiME aims to support long-lasting laws focusing on greener mobility to create a better and more liveable environment, in cities and in the countryside.

Cercle CiME publication around sustainable mobility at Cercle K2 Cercle CiME publication around sustainable mobility at Cercle K2

Future of Automotive